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Biologens publikationsliste28/10/2005 00:00:00
<P align="center" class="Standardtekst"><FONT face="Times New Roman"><B>Scientific and popular science publications</B><B></B></FONT></P>

<P class="Standardtekst"><B><FONT face="Times New Roman">1. International journals and books</FONT></B><B>.</B></P>

<P class="Standardtekst"><FONT face="Times New Roman">Ekløv, A. G., Greenberg, L. A., Kristiansen, H. R. 1994: <B>The effect&nbsp; of depth on interaction between perch (<I>Perca fluviatilis</I>)&nbsp; and minnow (<I>Phoxinus phoxinus</I>)</B>. - <I>Ecology of Freshwater Fish</I> <B>3</B>, 1-8. (no senior author, names in alphabetical order).</FONT></P>

<P class="Standardtekst"><FONT face="Times New Roman">Kristiansen, H. R. 1996: <B>Mark-recapture in a sea trout (<I>Salmo&nbsp; trutta</I> L.) ranching stream: catch effort and sample size for&nbsp; a confident population estimate through the season</B>. - In: Cowx, I. G. (ed.), pp. 324-333. Proceedings of stock assessment in inland fisheries. Oxford Fishing News Books. Blackwell Science.&nbsp; </FONT></P>

<P class="Standardtekst"><FONT face="Times New Roman">Kristiansen, H. R. 1996: <B>Preliminary freshwater telemetry studies on adult sea trout (<I>Salmo</I> <I>trutta</I> L.) with externally and internally implanted transmitters in the 150 Mhz&nbsp; range</B>. - In: Baras, E. & J. C. Philippart (eds.), pp. 101-105. Underwater Biotelemetry, Proceedings of the First Conference and Workshop on Fish Telemetry in Europe, University of Liège, Belgium, vi + 257 pp.</FONT></P>

<P class="Standardtekst"><FONT face="Times New Roman">Kristiansen, H. R. 1997: <B>Vulnerability-size effects of electric fishing on population estimate, size distribution and mean&nbsp; weight of a sea trout, <I>Salmo trutta</I> L., stock.</B> - <I>Fisheries Management and Ecology</I> <B>4</B>, 179-88.</FONT></P>

<P class="Standardtekst"><FONT face="Times New Roman">Bassompiere, M., Kristiansen, H. R. & McLean, E. 1998: <B>Influence of weight upon in vitro protein digestive capacity in rainbow trout.</B> - <I>Journal of Fish Biology</I> <B>52</B>, 213-216.</FONT></P>

<P class="Standardtekst"><FONT face="Times New Roman">Kristiansen, H. R. 1998: <B>Effects of handling, discrete meals and body weight on the individual variation of gastric emptying parameters.</B> - <I>Aquaculture Research</I> <B>29</B>, 1-13.</FONT></P>

<P class="Standardtekst"><FONT face="Times New Roman">Kristiansen, H. R. 1999: <B>Erratum.</B> <B>Effects of handling, discrete meals and body weight on the individual variation of gastric emptying parameters.</B> - <I>Aquaculture Research</I> <B>30</B>, 71.</FONT></P>

<P class="Standardtekst"><FONT face="Times New Roman">Kristiansen, H. R. 1999: <B>Discrete and multiple meal approaches applied in a comparative study of feeding behavior and hierarchy formation in&nbsp; juvenile salmonids</B> - <I>Aquaculture Research</I> <B>30</B>, 519-527.</FONT></P>

<P class="Standardtekst"><FONT face="Times New Roman">Kristiansen, H. R. 2000: <B>Application of marker techniques for the estimation of voluntary feeding, gastric emptying, drinking and digestibility in brown trout <I>Salmo trutta </I>(L.) and rainbow trout <I>Oncorhynchus mykiss</I> (Walbaum) – </B>Ph.D. thesis. Environmental Engineering Laboratory, Aalborg University, Dk. 171 pp.</FONT></P>

<P class="Standardtekst"><FONT face="Times New Roman">Damsgård, B. & Kristiansen, H. R. 2001: <B>Stomach contents analysis</B>. In: Houlihan, D. F., Boujard, T. & Jobling, M. (eds.), pp 49-55. Food intake in fish. Blackwell Science. Oxford. 418 pp.</FONT></P>

<P class="Standardtekst"><FONT face="Times New Roman">Kristiansen, H. R. & Rankin, J. C. 2001: <B>Discrimination between endogenous and exogenous water sources in juvenile rainbow trout fed extruded dry feed. </B>Aquatic Living Resources <B>14, </B>1-8.</FONT></P>

<P class="Standardtekst"><FONT face="Times New Roman">Pedersen, C., Kristiansen, H. R., Pettersson, D. & Boisen, S. 2003: <B>A rat model for simulating the ileal digestibility of nutrients in pig.</B>&nbsp; In: Ball, R. O. (ed.), pp 7-9. Proceedings of the 9<SUP>th</SUP> International Symposium on Digestive Physiology in Pigs. University of Alberta, Dept. of Agricultural, Food and Nutritional Science, Canada.</FONT></P>

<P class="MsoNormal"><FONT face="Times New Roman">Kristiansen, H. R.<B> </B>2004: <B>How much Baltic salmon can be consumed without exceeding the tolerable safety limit ?</B> <FONT size=2>Organ Halogen Compounds <B>66</B>, 2609-2614.</FONT></FONT></P>

<P class="Standardtekst"><FONT face="Times New Roman">Kristiansen, H. R. 2005: <B>Digestibility</B>. In: McLean, E. (ed.). Fish quality assessments. In press.</FONT></P>

<P class="Standardtekst"><FONT face="Times New Roman">Kristiansen, H. R. & Rankin, J. C. 2005: <B>A drinking model to estimate prandial water sources and postprandial water dynamics in the gut of juvenile rainbow trout in freshwater and brackish water.&nbsp; </B>In press</FONT></P>

<P class="Standardtekst"><FONT face="Times New Roman">Kristiansen, H. R. 2005: <B>Individual and group approaches in salmonid juveniles (<I>Salmo trutta</I> and <I>Oncorhynchus mykiss</I>) with predictable and non-predictable consumption-growth bioenergetics</B>. Submitted to Aquaculture</FONT></P>

<P class="Standardtekst"><FONT face="Times New Roman">Kristiansen, H. R. & Eddy, F. B. 2005: <B>The effect of weight scaling in seawater drinking of fish.</B> Colloboration with Assistant editor F. B. Eddy at Journal of Fish Biology, Division of Environmental and Applied Biology, Univ. of Dundee, Scotland. Manuscript almost ready for submission.</FONT></P>

<P class="Standardtekst"><B><FONT face="Times New Roman">2. Patents</FONT></B></P>

<P class="Standardtekst"><FONT size=3><FONT face="Times New Roman">Mobile Nutrients Ltd. 2000: A method of analysing consumption and digestibility in animals or humans. PCT/DK 99/00462; European Patent Office EP1109493. International Publication Pamphlet file 99939965, 21 pp online at <LINK</LINK></FONT></FONT></P>" target="_blank">></LINK></FONT></FONT></P>

<P class="Standardtekst"><B><FONT face="Times New Roman">3. Publications in medical science</FONT></B></P>

<P class="Standardtekst"><FONT face="Times New Roman">Kristiansen, H. R. 2001: <B>A summary about infectious prion diseases</B>. 28 pp. Submitted to the Minister of Food, Agriculture and Fisheries and 30 companies and institutions in Denmark.</FONT></P>

<P class="Standardtekst"><FONT face="Times New Roman">Kristiansen, H. R. 2003: <B>Ernæring og/eller mutationer ved specifikke prionsygdomme ? </B><B>Nutrition or mutations in specific prion diseases</B> (In danish) ? Manuscript to Journal of the Danish Medical Association. Submitted to professor Lars Gjøl Christensen, The Royal Veterinary University in Copenhagen.</FONT></P>

<P class="Standardtekst">Kristiansen, H. R. 2004: <B>Erfaringer med DAMP barn.</B> <B>Experiences with a DAMP (Deficits in Attention, Motor control and Perception or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, ADHD) </B>(In Danish). Ugeskrift for Lægfolk. Uge 33. Udgives af Nomedica v/ John Buhl. </P>
<typohead type=1><FONT face="Times New Roman">&nbsp;</FONT></typohead>
<P class="Standardtekst"><B><FONT face="Times New Roman">4. Publications for the Ministry of Fisheries</FONT></B><B>.</B><B></B></P>

<P class="Standardtekst"><FONT face="Times New Roman">Kristiansen, H. R. 1991: <B>Havørred i </B><B>Kolding Å vandsystem 1989-91. </B><B>Sea trout in the Kolding Å river system 1989-91 </B>(in Danish).<B> </B>DFH-report no. 427 - 1991. - Published by the Danish Institute for Fisheries and Marine research. 97 pp. ISNN 0109 - 4432.</FONT></P>

<P class="Standardtekst"><FONT face="Times New Roman">Kristiansen, H. R. & Rasmussen, G. 1993: <B>Havørredens vandringsruter. </B><B>Marine migration patterns of sea trout </B>(in Danish).<B> </B>IFF-report no. 23 - 1993. - Published by the Danish Inland Fisheries Laboratory. 70 pp. ISNN 0907 - 1164.</FONT></P>

<P class="Standardtekst"><FONT face="Times New Roman"><B>5. Publications for the county and Danish journals and magazines</B></FONT></P>

<P class="Standardtekst"><FONT face="Times New Roman">Kristiansen, H. R. 1992: <B>Fiskene i tilløbene til Juelsminde Kyst&nbsp; 1991.</B>&nbsp; <B>Stock&nbsp; assessment in tributaries to Juelsminde shore 1991 </B>(in Danish).<B> </B>- Published by the County of Vejle, Dept, of Environmental Affairs, Freshwater Division. 16 pp. ISBN Nr. 87-7750-062-8.</FONT></P>

<P class="Standardtekst"><FONT face="Times New Roman">Kristiansen, H. R. 1992: <B>Fiskene i tilløbene til Kolding Fjord og&nbsp; Lillebælt Syd, 1991.</B> <B>Stock assessment in tributaries to Kolding Fjord and the southern Little Belt, 1991 </B>(in Danish).<B> </B>- Published by the County of Vejle, Dept. of Environmental Affairs, Freshwater Division. 26 pp ISBN Nr. 87-7750-060-1.</FONT></P>

<P class="Standardtekst"><FONT face="Times New Roman">Kristiansen, H. R. 1992: <B>Sådan undgår man at blive ædt. </B><B>How to reduce predation risk </B>(in Danish). - Information from the National Board for Aquatic Environmental Protection <B>12</B>, p. 14 + 16.&nbsp; Published by the Danish Sportsangling Association.</FONT></P>

<P class="Standardtekst"><FONT face="Times New Roman">Kristiansen, H. R. 1993: <B>Fiskepassage ved modstrømstrapper. </B><B>Fish passage at Denil fish passes </B>(in Danish).<B> - </B><I>Water & Environment</I><B> 10</B> (2), 50-52. Copenhagen, John Vabø&nbsp; A/S.</FONT></P>

<P class="Standardtekst"><FONT face="Times New Roman">Kristiansen, H. R. 1994: <B>Igen adgang for ørreder i Truds Å. Free access to spawning grounds for trout in the Truds Brook </B>(in Danish) -&nbsp; <I>Water & Environment</I> <B>1</B> (2), 77-79. Copenhagen, John Vabø A/S.</FONT></P>

<P class="Standardtekst"><FONT face="Times New Roman">Kristiansen, H. R. 1994: <B>Effektundersøgelser af fisk og padder.</B> <B>Effect studies of fish and amphibia </B>(in Danish).<B> </B>- <I>Water & Earth</I> <B>1</B> (5), 226-228. Copenhagen, Munksgaard A/S.</FONT></P>

<P class="Standardtekst"><FONT face="Times New Roman">Kristiansen, H. R. 1995: <B>Fordeling og vandring af danske havørreder. </B><B>Distribution and migrations of Danish sea trout </B>(in Danish). -&nbsp; In: <I>Presentations at the 8 Danish meeting for marine research</I>, pp. 74-79. Published by the County of Funen for the Danish National chair for Oceanology. 216 pp.</FONT></P>

<P class="Standardtekst"><FONT face="Times New Roman">Kristiansen, H. R. 1999:<B> Tange Sø: Forskning eller fornuft.</B> <B>Lake Tange: Research or common sense </B>(in Danish). <I>Water & Earth</I> <B>1</B>, 18-21. Copenhagen, Munksgaard A/S. *Awarded as high quality paper.<B></B></FONT></P>

<P class="Standardtekst"><FONT face="Times New Roman">Kristiansen, H. R. 1999: <B>Handlingsplaner for vandløb.</B> <B>Management schedule in river systems</B> (in Danish). Information from the National Board for Aquatic Environmental Protection <B>22</B>, 8-11. Published by the Danish Sportsangling Association. </FONT></P>

<P class="Standardtekst"><FONT face="Times New Roman">Kristiansen, H. R. 2002: <B>Det intelligente toilet. </B><B>The intelligent WC</B> (in Danish). Contribution to the open competition ”Water for the Future”, the international water and wastewater exhibition, NODIG, the Bella Centre 30 May 2002. </FONT></P>

<P class="MsoBodyText2"><FONT face="Times New Roman">Kristiansen, H. R. 2004: <B>Går forbrugerens dioxinkvote op i fisk ? Is fish important for the consumers dioxin quota</B> ? Fiskerbladet for Fiskerne, Fiskeindustrien og Servicevirksomhederne <B>48</B> (7), 16-20</FONT></P>

<P class="MsoBodyText2"><FONT face="Times New Roman">Kristiansen, H. R.&nbsp; 2004: <B>Går forbrugerens dioxinkvote op i fisk ? Is fish important for the consumers dioxin quota</B>&nbsp; <B>(In Danish)</B> ? Fiskerbladet for Fiskerne, Fiskeindustrien og Servicevirksomhederne <B>48</B> (8), 25-27.</FONT></P>

<P class="MsoBodyText2"><FONT face="Times New Roman">Kristiansen, H. R.&nbsp; 2004: <B>Dioxin i Bornholmske fisk – giver EU kravene mening ? Dioxin in fish at Bornholm – does the EU Directives make sense (In Danish). </B>Vand og Jord <B>11</B> (4), 143-145. Forlaget Nepper & Stagehøj.</FONT></P>

<P class="MsoBodyText2"><FONT face="Times New Roman">Kristiansen, H. R.&nbsp; 2004: <B>Svinet og videnssamfundet.</B> <B>The pig and the knowledge society </B>(in Danish)<B>. </B>Hyologisk <B>26</B> (12), 26—29. Dansk Agrar Forlag A/S. </FONT></P>

<P class="MsoBodyText2"><FONT face="Times New Roman">Kristiansen, H. R. 2005: <B>Biologens drøm om Naturparken Tangefossen. The biologists vision about the Nature Park Tangefossen </B>(in Danish). <I>Water & Earth</I> (in press Dec. 2005).</FONT></P>

<P class="Standardtekst"><FONT face="Times New Roman"><B>6. Internal project reports</B><FONT size=3><B>.</B></FONT></FONT></P>

<P class="Standardtekst"><FONT face="Times New Roman">Kristiansen, H. R. 1988: <B>Biological removal of nitrate from drinking water with methane oxidizing bacteria.</B> - Project report, Department of Biochemistry, University of Odense,&nbsp; Dk. 27 pp.</FONT></P>

<P class="Standardtekst"><FONT face="Times New Roman">Eklöv, A. & Kristiansen, H. R.&nbsp; 1990: <B>The effect of depth on perch-minnow interactions: a test of predation efficiency and prey vulnerability.</B> - Department of Ecology, Limnology, University of Lund, Sweden. 17 pp.</FONT></P>

<P class="Standardtekst"><FONT face="Times New Roman">Kristiansen, H. R. 1995: <B>Sportsfiskerfangster af havørred i Vejle Fjord – analyse af fangstdata, skæl og maver 1994-95. </B><B>Rodcatches of sea trout in the Vejle Fjord – catch statistics, scale analysis and stomach contents analysis 1994-95</B> (in Danish). - Project report for the marine sportsangling foundation in Vejle. </FONT></P>

<P class="Standardtekst"><FONT face="Times New Roman">Kristiansen, H. R. 2000: <B>Identifying and improving the quality of European farmed fish to meet consumers demands for tasty and healthy foods</B>. Confidential review to the EC Fishsense group (Dk, Is, BRD, UK, Fr, Es, I) 18 pp.</FONT></P>

<P class="Standardtekst"><FONT face="Times New Roman"><B>7. Popular science publications in aquaculture, fisheries and environment</B></FONT></P>

<P class="Standardtekst"><FONT face="Times New Roman">Kristiansen, H. R. 1989: <B>Undersøgelse af havørredbestanden i&nbsp; Kolding Å vandsystem.</B> <B>A study of the sea trout population in the Kolding Å river system </B>(in Danish). - <I>The Sports Angling Magazine</I>, <B>64</B> (4), 32-33.</FONT></P>

<P class="Standardtekst"><FONT face="Times New Roman">Kristiansen, H. R. 1990: <B>Sådan vandrer de udsatte havørreder fra&nbsp; Kolding Fjord og Å. Marine migrations of sea trout from the river Koldingå </B>(in Danish).<B> - </B><I>The Sports Angling Magazine</I> <B>65</B> (7), 38-39.</FONT></P>

<P class="Standardtekst"><FONT face="Times New Roman">Kristiansen, H. R. 1991: <B>Den miljømæssige betydning for Gudenåen&nbsp; og Randers Fjord ved en nedlæggelse af Tange Sø.</B> <B>The environmental importance for the river Gudenå and the Randers Fjord by emptying Lake Tange</B> (in Danish). - Awarded report to the Gudenå Salmon Foundation. </FONT></P>
<P class="Standardtekst"><FONT face="Times New Roman">35 pp.</FONT></P>

<P class="Standardtekst"><FONT face="Times New Roman">Kristiansen, H. R. 1992: <B>Fiskepleje i juniorarbejdet. </B><B>Fish stockings by the junior Sports Angling Members </B>(in Danish).<B> </B>-&nbsp; <I>The Sports Angling Magazine</I> <B>67</B> (1), p 3.</FONT></P>

<P class="Standardtekst"><FONT face="Times New Roman">Kristiansen, H. R. 1992: <B>Laks i Themsen.</B> <B>Salmon in the Thames River </B>(in Danish). - <I>The Sports Angling Magazine</I> <B>67</B> (2), 24-25.</FONT></P>

<P class="Standardtekst"><FONT face="Times New Roman">Kristiansen, H. R. & Deacon, M. 1992: <B>Sådan er fangsten af havørreder i to danske vandløb. </B><B>Comparison of&nbsp; the sea trout catch in two Danish river systems </B>(in Danish).<B> - </B><I>The Sports Angling Magazine</I> <B>67</B> (6), 37-39.</FONT></P>

<P class="Standardtekst"><FONT face="Times New Roman">Kristiansen, H. R. 1992: <B>Sådan tager man en skælprøve. </B><B>How to take a scale sample ? </B>(in Danish). - <I>The Sports Angling Magazine</I> <B>67</B> (11/12), 7.</FONT></P>

<P class="Standardtekst"><FONT face="Times New Roman">Kristiansen, H. R. 1993: <B>Portræt af efterårets fangster. </B><B>Portrait of the autumn catches </B>(in Danish). -&nbsp; <I>The Sports Angling Magazine</I> <B>68</B> (1), 24-25.</FONT></P>

<P class="Standardtekst"><FONT face="Times New Roman">Kristiansen, H. R. 1993: <B>Sådan klarer naturen sin egen yngelpleje.</B> <B>Natural recruitment of trout fry </B>(in Danish). - <I>The Sports Angling Magazine</I> <B>68</B> (4), 18-19.</FONT></P>

<P class="Standardtekst"><FONT face="Times New Roman">Kristiansen, H. R. 1993: <B>Portræt af vinterens og forårets&nbsp; fangster.</B> <B>Portrait of the winter and spring catches</B> (in Danish). - <I>The Sports Angling Magazine</I> <B>68</B> (5), 32-33.</FONT></P>

<P class="Standardtekst"><FONT face="Times New Roman">Kristiansen, H. R. 1993: <B>Portræt af forårets og sommerens&nbsp; fangster.</B> <B>Portrait of the spring and summer catches </B>(in Danish). - <I>The Sports angling Magazine</I> <B>68</B> (9), 20-22.</FONT></P>

<P class="Standardtekst"><FONT face="Times New Roman">Kristiansen, H. R. 1994: <B>Sådan blev vinterens fangster.</B> <B>Catches during the winter</B> (in Danish). - <I>The Sportsangling Magazine</I> <B>69</B> (4), 20-23</FONT></P>

<P class="Standardtekst"><FONT face="Times New Roman">Kristiansen, R. H. 1994: <B>Nye stier betrædes i bestandsplejen af&nbsp; fisk.</B>&nbsp; <B>New trends in fish stockings</B> <B>and stock assessments</B> (in Danish). - <I>The Sportsangling Magazine</I> <B>69</B> (6), 22-23 </FONT></P>

<P class="Standardtekst"><FONT face="Times New Roman">Kristiansen, H. R.. 1994: <B>På vej mod bedre bækørredvandløb.</B> <B>Towards improved brown trout fisheries</B> (in Danish). - <I>The SportsAngling Magazine </I><B>69</B> (9), 6-7.</FONT></P>

<P class="Standardtekst"><FONT face="Times New Roman">Kristiansen, H. R. 1994: <B>Sådan vandrer havørrederne fra Voer Å,&nbsp; Karup Å, Rye Å og Lindenborg Å.</B> <B>Marine migrations of sea trout from rivers Voerå, Karupå, Ryeå and Lindenborg å </B>(in Danish). - <I>The Sportsangling Magazine </I>&nbsp;<B>69 </B>(9), 28-30.</FONT></P>

<P class="Standardtekst"><FONT face="Times New Roman">Kristiansen, H. R. 1994: <B>Sådan vandrer havørreder fra Storå og&nbsp; Skjern Å.</B> <B>Marine migrations of sea trout from rivers Storå and Skjernå</B> (in Danish). - <I>The Sportsangling Magazine </I>&nbsp;<B>69</B> (10), 30-31.</FONT></P>

<P class="Standardtekst"><FONT face="Times New Roman">Kristiansen, H. R. 1994: <B>Sådan vandrer havørrederne fra Gudenå.</B> <B>Marine migrations of sea trout from river Gudenå</B> (in Danish). - <I>The Sportsangling Magazine </I>&nbsp;<B>69</B> (11), 28-29.</FONT></P>

<P class="Standardtekst"><FONT face="Times New Roman">Kristiansen, H. R. 1994: <B>Sådan blev forårets og sommerens&nbsp; fiskeri.</B>&nbsp; <B>Rodcatches during spring and summer</B> (in Danish). - <I>The Sportsangling Magazine </I>&nbsp;<B>69</B> (11), 30-32.</FONT></P>

<P class="Standardtekst"><FONT face="Times New Roman">Kristiansen, H. R. 1994: <B>Sådan vandrer havørrederne fra Odense Å&nbsp; og Stavids Å.</B> <B>Marine migrations of sea&nbsp; trout from rivers Odenseå and Stavidså</B> (in Danish). <I>The Sportsangling Magazine</I> <B>69</B>, (12), 12-13.</FONT></P>

<P class="Standardtekst"><FONT face="Times New Roman">Kristiansen, H. R. 1995: <B>Efterårets fangstrapport.</B> <B>Rodcatches during the autumn</B> (in Danish). <I>The Sportsangling Magazine</I>&nbsp; <B>70</B> (1&2), 24-25.</FONT></P>

<P class="Standardtekst"><FONT face="Times New Roman">Kristiansen, H. R. 1995: <B>Vinterens elfiskeri og fangster i de kolde måneder. </B><B>Electric fishing and rodcatches during the winter</B> (in Danish). <I>The Sportsangling Magazine</I> <B>70</B> (7&8), 18-19.</FONT></P>

<P class="Standardtekst"><FONT face="Times New Roman">Kristiansen, H. R. 1995: <B>Rapport fra EIFAC/ICES arbejdsgruppens ålemøde i Oviedo, Spanien 26 sept. - 2 okt., 1994. </B>&nbsp;<B>Report from EIFAC/ICES eel workgroup meetings in Oviedo, Spain 26 Sep. - 2 Oct., 1994</B> (in Danish). <I>The Freshwater Fisheries Magazine </I><B>93</B> (5), 144-148. </FONT></P>

<P class="Standardtekst"><FONT face="Times New Roman">Kristiansen, H. R. 1997: <B>Ved Kongeåen</B>. <B>Sampling of benthic invertebrates and sportsangling in the river Kongeå</B> (in Danish). In: B. Bonde (ed.), pp. 31-33. 50th anniversary published by Vejen & Neighbourhood Sportsangling Association, VOSF 1947-1997. 60 pp.</FONT></P>

<P class="Standardtekst"><FONT face="Times New Roman">Kristiansen, H. R. 1997: <B>Familien gammarus på rundtur i Vejle fjord.</B>&nbsp; <B>A crustacean family reports about underwater life in the Vejle Fjord</B> (in Danish). <I>The Sportsangling Magazine</I>&nbsp; <B>72</B> (1&2), 56-57.</FONT></P>

<P class="Standardtekst"><FONT face="Times New Roman">Kristiansen, H. R. 1997: <B>Meteoritbyge i Finland. </B><B>Meteorite storm in Finland</B> (in Danish). The Aalborg University Owl. 14-15.</FONT></P>

<P class="Standardtekst"><FONT face="Times New Roman">Kristiansen, H. R. 1999: <B>Overlevelse af ørredæg. </B><B>Field survival of trout eggs</B> (in Danish). In: M. Deacon & F. Sørensen (eds.), pp. 20. Status report for the river Kongeå, 1988-1998. Published by the Vejen & Neighbourhood and the Southwest Jutlandic sportsangling associations. 24 pp.</FONT></P>

<P class="Standardtekst"><FONT face="Times New Roman">Kristiansen, H. R. 1999: <B>Røntgenundersøgelser afslører, hvad fiskene spiser. </B><B>Radiography reveals feed acquisition in fish </B>&nbsp;(in Danish). <I>The Freshwater Fisheries Magazine</I>&nbsp; <B>97 </B>(12), 270-275.</FONT></P>

<P class="Standardtekst"><FONT face="Times New Roman">Kristiansen, H. R. 2000: <B>Fiskenes rangorden bestemt ved røntgenundersøgelser.&nbsp; </B><B>Feeding hierarchy assessed by radiography </B>(in Danish). <I>The Freshwater Fisheries Magazine</I>&nbsp; <B>98 </B>(1), 8-12.</FONT></P>

<P class="Standardtekst"><FONT face="Times New Roman">Kristiansen, H. R. 2000: <B>Et kig indeni ørredens mave-tarmsystem. </B><B>A look into the trout´s gastro-intestinal </B>(in Danish). <I>The Freshwater Fisheries Magazine</I>&nbsp; <B>98 </B>(2), 30-35.</FONT></P>

<P class="Standardtekst"><FONT face="Times New Roman">Kristiansen, H. R. 2000: <B>Tolvfingertarmen, hvilket formål har den hos fisk ? </B><B>The functions of pyloric caeca in fish</B> (in Danish). <I>The Freshwater Fisheries Magazine</I>&nbsp; <B>98 </B>(3), 66-70.</FONT></P>

<P class="Standardtekst"><FONT face="Times New Roman">Kristiansen, H. R. 2000: <B>Fisk spiser tørfoder, men de drikker også vand. </B><B>Fish drink water, while eating dry feed</B> (in Danish). <I>The Freshwater Fisheries Magazine</I> <B>98</B> (5), 110-115.</FONT></P>

<P class="Standardtekst"><FONT face="Times New Roman">Kristiansen, H. R. 2000: <B>Sådan afgør man om fordøjelsen af foder er god. </B><B>This is how we decide, when feed digestibility is good</B> (in Danish). <I>The Freshwater Fisheries magazine</I> <B>98</B> (8), 182-188.</FONT></P>

<P class="Standardtekst"><FONT face="Times New Roman">Kristiansen, H. R. 2000<B>: Brug af bioenergetiske modeller i akvakultur. </B><B>Application of bioenergetic models in aquaculture</B> (in Danish). <I>The Freshwater Fisheries Magazine</I> <B>98</B> (9), 208-215.</FONT></P>

<P class="Standardtekst"><FONT face="Times New Roman">Kristiansen, H. R. 2001: <B>Afskærmning af røntgenkilden til arbejde med levende dyr. </B><B>Screening of the X-ray source in live animal trials</B> (in Danish). Submitted to <I>The Veterinary Magazine</I>. </FONT></P>

<P class="Standardtekst"><FONT face="Times New Roman">Kristiansen, H. R. 2002: <B>Jeg så mit livs stalling i Kongeåen. </B><B>I observed the biggest grayling of my life&nbsp; in the river Kongeaa</B> (in Danish). <LINK</LINK>.</FONT></P>" target="_blank">></LINK>.</FONT></P>

<P class="Standardtekst"><FONT face="Times New Roman">Kristiansen, H. R. 2002: <B>Hornfisk fuld af overraskelser. </B><B>Garfish with many surprises</B> (in Danish). <LINK</LINK>.</FONT></P>" target="_blank">></LINK>.</FONT></P>

<P class="Standardtekst"><FONT face="Times New Roman">Kristiansen, H. R. 2002-2004: <B>Spørg Biologen. </B><B>Ask the Biologist</B> at <LINK></LINK>&nbsp; (in Danish). About 40 detailed answers with scientific references about fish biology, consumer questions, ecology, salmonid behaviour etc. </FONT></P>

<P class="Standardtekst"><FONT face="Times New Roman">Kristiansen, H. R., Voss-Grimm, B. R. 2003: <B>Tangloppe til regnbueørreder fra Hvilested Lystfiskersø. </B><B>Crustacean to rainbow trout from the Hvilested Put & Take</B> (in Danish). <I>The Freshwater Fisheries magazine</I> <B>101</B> (7), 148-149.</FONT></P>

<P class="Standardtekst"><FONT face="Times New Roman">Kristiansen, H. R. 2003: <B>Hvad skyldes jordagtig smag hos fisk ? </B><B>What is the cause of myddy taste in fish ?</B> (in Danish). <I>The Freshwater Fisheries Magazine</I> <B>101</B> (9), 207-212.</FONT></P>

<P class="Standardtekst"><FONT face="Times New Roman">Kristiansen, H. R. 2004: <B>Gode råd om elfiskeri. </B><B>Good advice in electric fishing</B> (in Danish). <I>The Freshwater Fisheries Magazine</I> <B>102</B> (1), 4.</FONT></P>

<P class="Standardtekst"><FONT face="Times New Roman">Kristiansen, H. R. 2004: <B>Ovnbagt havørred med rød peberfrugt og muskat. </B><B>Ovenbaked sea trout with red bell pepper and nutmeg</B> (in Danish) <I>The Freshwater Fisheries Magazine</I> <B>102</B> (1), 5.</FONT></P>

<P class="Standardtekst"><FONT face="Times New Roman">Kristiansen, H. R. (2004): <B>Julebal i ørredland ved Truds Bæk. </B><B>Christmas party in trout country by the Truds Brook</B> (In Danish). <I>The Freshwater Fisheries Magazine</I> <B>102</B> (2), 34-35.</FONT></P>

<P class="Standardtekst"><FONT face="Times New Roman">Kristiansen, H. R. (2004): <B>Pindsvinenes dag ved Egå. </B><B>The hedgehog day at Egaa</B> (In Danish). <I>The Freshwater Fisheries Magazine</I> <B>102</B> (3), 60.</FONT></P>

<P class="Standardtekst"><FONT face="Times New Roman">Kristiansen, H. R. (2004) <B>Ernæringsmæssige fordele og ulemper ved at spise laks fra Østersøen. </B><B>Nutritional advantages and drawbacks of eating Baltic salmon</B> (in Danish). Medlemsblad for Sjællands Småbådsfiskeklub <B>19</B> (2), 16-17.</FONT></P>

<P class="Standardtekst"><FONT face="Times New Roman">Kristiansen, H. R. (2004) <B>Ernæringsmæssige fordele og ulemper ved at spise laks fra Østersøen. </B><B>Nutritional advantages and drawbacks of&nbsp; eating Baltic salmon</B> (in Danish). Både & Fisk. Medlemsblad for Jysk Småbådsfiskeklub <B>12</B> (3), 9-12.</FONT></P>

<P class="Standardtekst"><FONT face="Times New Roman">Kristiansen, H. R. (2005) <B>Generationsskifte på afdeling for fiskesygdomme. </B><B>New generation at the department of fish diseases.</B> Danish Aquaculture Newsletter Oct 2005, No. 9. </FONT></P>

<P class="Standardtekst"><B><FONT face="Times New Roman">8. Publications in Food Science</FONT></B></P>

<P class="Standardtekst"><FONT face="Times New Roman">Kristiansen, H. R. 2003: <B>Livsstil ved Middelhavet.</B> <B>Lifestyle in Mediterranean</B>. (In Danish). <I>Weekletter</I> <I>Meals</I> No. <B>32</B>. <LINK></LINK>. Full citation in <LINK</LINK>." target="_blank">></LINK>. </FONT></P>

<P class="Standardtekst"><FONT face="Times New Roman">Kristiansen, H. R. 2003: <B>Sund kost opfylder kroppens behov. </B><B>Healthy food fulfill the requirements of the body</B> (in Danish). <I>Weekletter Meals</I> No. <B>41</B>. <LINK></LINK></FONT></P>

<P class="Standardtekst"><FONT face="Times New Roman">Kristiansen, H. R. 2004: <B>Hjertegod middelhavskost med færre kulhydrater. </B><B>Heartgood Mediterranean low carbohydrate diet</B> (in Danish). <I>Weekletter Meals </I>No. <B>3</B>. <LINK></LINK></FONT></P>

<P class="Standardtekst"><FONT face="Times New Roman">Kristiansen, H. R. (2004): <B>En stabil omega-3 (&#969;-3) stegeolie med højt indhold af livsnødvendige fedtsyrer. </B><B>A stable omega-3 (</B><B>&#969;</B><B>-3) frying oil with high content of essential fatty acids.</B> <I>Weekletter Meals </I><B><I>7 </I></B>(13) <LINK></LINK></FONT></P>

<P class="Standardtekst"><FONT face="Times New Roman">Kristiansen, H. R. (2004): <B>Gourmetmarked på Århus Havn. </B><B>The Gourmet market at Aarhus Harbour</B> (In Danish). <I>Weekletter Meals </I><B><I>7</I></B><I> </I>(13) <LINK></LINK></FONT></P>

<P class="Standardtekst"><FONT face="Times New Roman">Kristiansen, H. R. (2004): <B>Kostspionen afslører myter om D-vitamin i fisk og slagtesvin. </B><B>The diet spoin reveal myths about D-vitamin in fish and slaughter pigs</B> (In Danish). <I>Weekletter Meals </I>&nbsp;<LINK></LINK></FONT></P>

<P class="Standardtekst"><FONT face="Times New Roman">Kristiansen, H. R. 2004: <B>Sildens fortræffelige fedtsyrer og mineraler. </B><B>Excellent fatty acids and minerals in herring.</B> (In Danish). Alimenta <I>in press.</I></FONT></P>

<P class="Standardtekst"><FONT face="Times New Roman">Kristiansen, H. R. 2004: <B>Ernæringsrigtige olier som råvare til fødevarer. </B><B>Nutritional oils as ingredients to the food industry</B> (in Danish). Plus Proces <B>18</B>(6), 10, 12-13.</FONT></P>

<P class="Standardtekst"><FONT face="Times New Roman">Kristiansen, H. R. (2004): <B>Fortolkning af flimrende Arla interview. </B><B>Analysis of fluttering Arla Interview</B> (in Danish). Meals <B>7</B> (37) <LINK></LINK>. </FONT></P>

<P class="Standardtekst"><FONT face="Times New Roman">Kristiansen, H. R. (2005): <B>Forfejlet ernæringsoplysning slår igennem med usaglig mærkning af fødevarer. </B><B>Unsuccessful nutritional education is the reason behind the not objective marking of foods</B> (in Danish). Meals <B>8</B> (28) <LINK></LINK>. </FONT></P>

<P class="Standardtekst"><FONT face="Times New Roman">Kristiansen, H. R. 2005: <B>Hvorfor er en regnbueørred sund kost ? </B><B>Why are rainbow trout healthy foods ?</B> (In Danish). Submitted to Biomar Magazine.</FONT></P>

<P class="Standardtekst"><FONT face="Times New Roman">Kristiansen, H. R. 2005: <B>Sund havørred til sunde lystfiskere. </B><B>Healthy sea trout to healthy anglers.</B> (In Danish). Submitted to the Sports Angling Magazine. </FONT></P>

<P class="Standardtekst"><FONT face="Times New Roman">Kristiansen, H. R. 2005: <B>Farvestrålende peberfrugter. </B><B>Colourful bell peppers.</B> (In Danish). Submitted to Danish Cancer Research.</FONT></P>

<P class="Standardtekst"><FONT face="Times New Roman">Kristiansen, H. R. 2005: <B>Svineskinke som proteinkilde. </B><B>Ham as source of protein</B> (in Danish). Submitted to Samvirke.</FONT></P>

<P class="Standardtekst"><FONT face="Times New Roman">Kristiansen, H. R. 2005: <B>Ham, a protein source tailored to dedentary lifestyle behaviour.</B> Submitted 0to LifeStyle –challenges to food science & technology. Food Congress 2004, DTU, March 17-18.</FONT></P>

<P class="Standardtekst"><FONT face="Times New Roman">Kristiansen, H. R. 2005: <B>Svarer mandarin eller appelsin bedst til kroppens behov ? </B><B>Is mandarin or orange best to fulfill the requirements of the body ?</B> (in Danish). Submitted to Danish Cancer Research. </FONT></P>

<P class="Standardtekst"><B><FONT face="Times New Roman">9. Fiction and scientific books</FONT></B></P>

<P class="Standardtekst"><FONT face="Times New Roman">Kristiansen, H. R.. (2004) <B>Ann´s børn og bj</B><B>ergets hemmeligheder. </B><B>Ann´s childs and the mountain secrets</B> (in Danish). 62 000 words. Submitted to different publishers.</FONT></P>

<P class="Standardtekst"><FONT face="Times New Roman">Kristiansen, H. R. (2004) <B>Få styr på din livsstil. </B><B>Get hold on your lifestyle</B> (in Danish). 75.000 words. Submitted to Aschehoug. </FONT></P>

<P class="Standardtekst"><B><FONT face="Times New Roman">10. Newspaper contributions (in Danish)</FONT></B></P>
<P class="Standardtekst"><B><FONT face="Times New Roman">National (Jyllands Posten, Børsen, Information, Weekend Avisen)</FONT></B></P>
<P class="Standardtekst"><B><FONT face="Times New Roman">Regional (Aarhus, Nordjyske and Fyns Stiftstidende, Bornholms Tidende, Jydske Vestkysten)</FONT></B></P>

<P class="Standardtekst"><FONT face="Times New Roman">Kristiansen, H. R. (1991) <B>Kolding skal vise vejen. </B><B>Kolding must show the way – a proposal where non-employed restore municipal rivers.</B> Kolding Ugeavis. </FONT></P>

<P class="Standardtekst"><FONT face="Times New Roman">Kristiansen, H. R. (1992) <B>Koldings Ungdomsskole undersøger vandløb i kommunen. </B><B>The youth school in Kolding study municipal rivers.</B> Kolding Ugeavis 23 Sep. </FONT></P>

<P class="Standardtekst"><FONT face="Times New Roman">Kristiansen, H. R. (1995) <B>Den ustyrlige havørred. </B><B>The migratory sea trout.</B> Fyens Stiftstidende 28 Feb. </FONT></P>

<P class="Standardtekst"><FONT face="Times New Roman">Borg, B. & Kristiansen, H. R. (2001) <B>Sundhedspuslespil.</B> JyllandsPosten Gó Lørdag, 9 juni 2001.</FONT></P>

<P class="Standardtekst"><FONT face="Times New Roman">Kristiansen, H. R. (2002) <B>Det g</B><B>år ikke uden rugekasser. We can´t go on without incubators</B> (In Danish). Nordjyllands Stiftstidende. September.</FONT></P>

<P class="Standardtekst"><FONT face="Times New Roman">Kristiansen, H. R. (2002) <B>Miljøkonsulentens ålegilde. </B><B>The environmental consultants eelparty</B> (In Danish). Aarhus Stiftstidende Debate section, 25 October, page 12.</FONT></P>

<P class="Standardtekst"><FONT face="Times New Roman">Kristiansen, H. R. (2003) <B>Debat om sundhedsanprisninger bliver til vildledning. </B><B>Debate about health claims is becoming misleading</B> (In Danish). Børsen <B>192</B> (108), Food Section 6 October, page 2. </FONT></P>

<P class="Standardtekst"><FONT face="Times New Roman">Kristiansen, H. R. (2003) <B>Fremtidens råvareforsyning og optimal udnyttelse af ingredienser i foder. </B><B>Raw material supply in the future and optimal utilization of feed ingredients</B> (In Danish). Debate on&nbsp; <LINK></LINK> . </FONT></P>

<P class="Standardtekst"><FONT face="Times New Roman">Kristiansen, H. R. (2003) <B>Voksne er børnenes spejl. </B><B>Grown-ups are mirrors for the kids</B> (in Danish). Jyllands-Posten Aarhus section, page 6, 28 Dec.</FONT></P>

<P class="Standardtekst"><FONT face="Times New Roman">Kristiansen, H. R. (2004) <B>Lotterispillet om forskningsmidler. </B><B>The lottery game about research funding</B> (in Danish). Børsen <B>109 </B>(1), Opinion p. 2, 5 Jan. 2004. </FONT></P>

<P class="Standardtekst"><FONT face="Times New Roman">Kristiansen, H. R. (2004) <B>Ernæringsmæssige fordele og ulemper – den eftertragtede laks. </B><B>Nutritional advantages and drawbacks – the sought after salmon</B> (in Danish). Bornholms Tidende 138 årg (95), s. 5, Weekenden 24-25 april. </FONT></P>

<P class="Standardtekst"><FONT face="Times New Roman">Kristiansen, H. R. (2004) <B>Sagen om dioxin i laks bør revurderes. </B><B>The case about dioxin in salmon should be reevaluated.</B> Børsen <B>109</B> (79), Mandag 26 april.</FONT></P>

<P class="Standardtekst"><FONT face="Times New Roman">Kristiansen, H. R. (2004) <B>Flimrende Arla affære. </B><B>Fluttering Arla affair. </B>Børsen <B>109</B> (206), Food Section 25 Oct.</FONT></P>

<P class="Standardtekst"><FONT face="Times New Roman">Kristiansen, H. R. & Hejlsvig, J. (red.)&nbsp; (2004) <B>Solsorte med hvidt skæg. Juleeventyr: særpræget vintergæst er ankommet til Østjylland.</B> <B>Blackbirds with white beard. Christmas adventure: strange winter guests has arrived in Eastern Jutland</B> (in Danish). Aarhus Stiftstidende 21 dec. </FONT></P>

<P class="Standardtekst"><FONT face="Times New Roman">Kristiansen, H. R. (2005) <B>At miste alt. </B><B>To loose everything (in Danish).</B> Information <B>61</B>(17) Kronik under Opinion 21 jan., s. 32-33.</FONT></P>

<P class="Standardtekst"><FONT face="Times New Roman">Kristiansen, H. R. (2005) <B>Fede forsøgsobjekter. </B><B>Fat experimental objects (in Danish).</B> Information <B>61 </B>(55), 7 March, p. 16-17.</FONT></P>

<P class="Standardtekst"><FONT face="Times New Roman">Kristiansen, H. R. (2005) <B>Ung klient på 180 pund. </B><B>Young client of 180 pounds</B> (in Danish). Jyllands-Posten <B>134 </B>(161) 13 March, P9.</FONT></P>

<P class="Standardtekst"><FONT face="Times New Roman">Kristiansen, H. R. (2005) <B>Sildedanske fortræffeligheder. </B><B>Danish excellent herrings </B>(in Danish). Bornholms Tidende <B>140</B> (170) 26 July, p. 2. </FONT></P>

<P class="Standardtekst"><FONT face="Times New Roman">Kristiansen, H. R. (2005) <B>Sildene giver hjertesund energi. </B><B>Herring provides heart healthy energy </B>(in Danish). Bornholms Tidende <B>140</B> (171) 27 July, p. 2.</FONT></P>

<P class="Standardtekst"><FONT face="Times New Roman">Kristiansen, H. R. (2005) <B>Stop brødnid om forskning. </B><B>Stop discussions about research</B> (in Danish). Børsen <B>145</B> (110), p. 3. </FONT></P>

<P class="Standardtekst"><FONT face="Times New Roman">Kristiansen, H. R. (2005) <B>Multietnisk variation frem for monoetnisk isolation. </B><B>Multi etnic variation preferred for mono etnic isolation </B>(in Danish). Information online 4 Aug.&nbsp; Kronik under tema Sammenhængskraft.</FONT></P>

<P class="Standardtekst"><FONT face="Times New Roman">Kristiansen, H. R. (2005) <B>Sildens danske historie og udfordringer. </B><B>The history of Danish herring and challenges </B>(in Danish). Jydske Vestkysten <B>15</B> (229) Cronicle 21 Aug. </FONT></P>

<P class="Standardtekst"><FONT face="Times New Roman">Kristiansen, H. R. (2005) <B>Svineheldet. </B><B>Lucky pigs. </B>WeekendAvisen <B>257</B> (34) Idéer 26 aug. s. 5.&nbsp; </FONT></P>

<P class="Standardtekst"><FONT face="Times New Roman">Kristiansen, H. R. (2005) <B>Usaglig mærkning af fødevarer. </B><B>Unserious marking og foods </B>(in Danish). JyllandsPosten <B>134</B> (344), Derhjemme, Forbrugerdebat, s. 5.</FONT></P>

<P class="Standardtekst"><B><FONT face="Times New Roman">11. Interviews written by journalists</FONT></B></P>

<P class="Standardtekst"><FONT face="Times New Roman">Dilling, S. (1991) <B>Ørred-strøm. Odderbæk er et af amtets bedste ørredvandløb. Electri</B><B>c trouts. The Odder Brook is on of the best trout streams in the county</B> (5 pictures). Kolding Folkeblad 3 Dec.. </FONT></P>

<P class="Standardtekst"><FONT face="Times New Roman">Johnsen, A. (1992) <B>Fisker sætter naturen på ret køl. </B><B>Fishermen gets nature back on track</B> (6 pictures). Jydske Vestkysten 16 May. </FONT></P>

<P class="Standardtekst"><FONT face="Times New Roman">Grubach, C. B. (1992) <B>Fjorden får flere ørreder. </B><B>More trouts in the fjord</B> (3 pictures). Jydske Vestkysten 13 Sept. </FONT></P>

<P class="Standardtekst"><FONT face="Times New Roman">Kjærgård, L. (1993) <B>10 ørreder på frekvensen. </B><B>Ten trouts on the frequncy</B> (3 pictures by N. Mogensen). Fyns Stiftstidende. </FONT></P>

<P class="Standardtekst"><FONT face="Times New Roman">Vilsbæk, M. (1996) <B>Flot vejr men få fisk. Weekendens fangster indgår i en videnskabelig undersøgelse. </B><B>Nice weather but few fish. The weekend´s catches are studied scientifically.</B> Vejle Amts Folkeblad 22 April. </FONT></P>

<P class="Standardtekst"><FONT face="Times New Roman">Jensen, A. G. (1998) <B>De kalder ham Henrik Skæl. The call him Henrik Scales.</B> Interview og fotografering af Nordjyske 9 aug. </FONT></P>

<P class="Standardtekst"><FONT face="Times New Roman">Jensen, A. G. (1998) <B>Karups dronning. Drømmefisk findes i rigt mål i Karup å. The queen of Karup. </B><B>Plenty of dream fish in the river Karup aa.</B> (3 pictures by H. R. Kristiansen). </FONT></P>

<P class="Standardtekst"><FONT face="Times New Roman">Jensen, A. G. (1998) <B>Giganternes år. Biolog forsker i temperaturens betydning for fiskenes vækst. </B><B>The year of the giants. Biologist study the influence of temperature on the growth of fish.</B> Nordjyske 22 Nov. </FONT></P>

<P class="Standardtekst"><FONT face="Times New Roman">Jensen, A. G. (1999<B>) Ihærdige fiskere får bid. Miljø: Masser af ørreder i Mariager Fjord, der for godt to år siden blev ryddet. </B><B>Hard working fishermen catch fish. Environment: Plenty of trouts back in the Mariager Fjord, which was extinct two years ago.</B> Nordjyske. </FONT></P>

<P class="Standardtekst"><FONT face="Times New Roman">Jensen, A. G. (1999) <B>Laksen var på sjældent besøg. Overraskelse: det kan være svært at se forskel på en laks og en havørred – det var tilfældet i Mariager Fjord. </B><B>The salmon on a rare visit.</B>&nbsp; <B>Surprise: It can be difficult to discriminate between salmon and trout, this was the case in Mariager Fjord.</B> Nordjyske 25 Okt. </FONT></P>

<P class="Standardtekst"><FONT face="Times New Roman">Jensen, A. G. (1999) <B>Lad laksen være i fred. </B><B>Leave the salmon alone. </B>Nordjyske 5 Dec. </FONT></P>

<P class="Standardtekst"><FONT face="Times New Roman">Jensen, A. G. (2000<B>) En lille fisk med et frækt navn. Vandmiljø: kutlingen, en opportunist med mange muligheder på fjordbunden, er også tilbage i Mariager Fjord. </B><B>A small fish with a dirty name. Aquatic environment: The goby, an opportunist with many benthic possibilities, has returned to Mariager Fjord.</B> Nordjyske 20 Feb. </FONT></P>

<P class="Standardtekst"><FONT face="Times New Roman">Houmann, A. L. (2000) <B>Erhvervslivet snydes for forskningsmidler. </B>Interview af Børsen 17 marts, s. 21.</FONT></P>

<P class="Standardtekst"><FONT face="Times New Roman">Hejlsvig, J. (2004) <B>Motion og kost er vejen til et godt velbefindende. </B><B>Exercise and diet is the road to good health.</B> Interview og fotografering af Aarhus Stiftstidende 5 juli 2004.&nbsp; </FONT></P>

<P class="Standardtekst"><FONT face="Times New Roman">Kjøller, A. (2004) <B>Dioxin debat er gået i fisk.</B> Omskrivning af&nbsp; Kristiansen, H. R. ”går forbrugerens dioxinkvote op i fisk ”? Bornholms Tidende <B>139 </B>(214), 14 sept. 2004.</FONT></P>

<P class="Standardtekst"><FONT face="Times New Roman">Nielsen, F (2004) <B>Landbrugsprodukter indeholder den største mængde dioxin. </B>Maskinbladet <B>24</B> (382), 29 Oct.. Interview og fotografering af H. R. Kristiansen.</FONT></P>

<P class="Standardtekst"><FONT face="Times New Roman">Seibæk, S. B. (2004) <B>Dioxin kan ramme danske landmænd. </B>Maskinbladet <B>24</B> (383), 19 Nov. Interview af H. R. Kristiansen.</FONT></P>

<P class="Standardtekst"><B><FONT face="Times New Roman">12. International and national oral and poster presentations</FONT></B></P>

<P class="Standardtekst"><FONT face="Times New Roman">1991 : 5th. International Symposium on Fish Physiology Aug. 14-17, Odense University, Denmark. <B>Participant.</B></FONT></P>

<P class="Standardtekst"><FONT face="Times New Roman">1992 : NJF seminar on: "Postsmolt Biology of Salmonids in&nbsp; Ranching Systems", Nov. 10-12, Umeå, Sweden. <B>Participant.</B></FONT></P>

<P class="Standardtekst"><FONT face="Times New Roman">1994 : VIII Danish Marine Research Symposium 24-27 Jan., Odense University. <B>Marine migration patterns of Danish sea trout <I>Salmo trutta </I></B>(<B>L.) in relation to oceanography, meteorology and biological factors </B>Denmark (in Danish) (H. R. Kristiansen).<U></U></FONT></P>

<P class="Standardtekst"><FONT face="Times New Roman">1994 : 4th International Symposium & Workshop on Stock Assessment in Inland Fisheries 11-15 Apr., University of Hull, International Fisheries Institute, Hull, U.K. <B>Mark-recapture experiment in a sea trout (<I>Salmo trutta</I> L.) ranching stream: Effect of&nbsp; sample size and catch effort for a confident population estimate through the season</B> (H. R. Kristiansen). </FONT></P>

<P class="Standardtekst"><FONT face="Times New Roman">1994<U> </U>: VIII Congress. Societatis Europaea Ichthyologorum. "Fishes and their Environment". 26 Sep. – 2 Oct., Oviedo, Spain. <B>1: Life history strategies of Danish sea trout, <I>Salmo trutta</I> (L.)&nbsp; </B></FONT></P>
<P class="Standardtekst"><FONT face="Times New Roman"><B>2: Interriver spawning migrations </B>(H. R. Kristiansen).</FONT></P>

<P class="Standardtekst"><FONT face="Times New Roman">1995 : First Conference and Workshop on Fish Telemetry in Europe, Apr. 4-6, Liège, Belgium. <B>Preliminary freshwater telemetry studies on adult sea&nbsp; trout <I>Salmo trutta</I> (L.) with external attached and&nbsp; implanted two-stage transmitters in the 150 MHz range</B></FONT></P>
<P class="Standardtekst"><FONT face="Times New Roman">(H. R. Kristiansen).</FONT></P>

<P class="Standardtekst"><FONT face="Times New Roman">1995<U> </U>: Nordic Agriculture in the new Europe, XX:e Congress. Association of Nordic Agriculturists, section XII aquaculture. 26-29 Jun., Reykjavik, Iceland. <B>1.</B> <B>Post-smolt mortality of sea trout <I>Salmo trutta</I> (L.) in Danish streams</B> (J.-O. Frier & H. R. Kristiansen). <B>2. Marine migration patterns of sea trout Salmo trutta (L.) released as smolt in 9 Danish rivers </B>(H. R. Kristiansen & G. Rasmussen). </FONT></P>

<P class="Standardtekst"><FONT face="Times New Roman">1996<U> </U>: VIIII Danish Marine Research Symposium. 16-18 Jan, Technical University of Denmark, Lyngby (in Danish). <B>Comparison of size- and age-structure, food composition, parasites and growth for sea trout in two areas separated by the Little Belt Boundary: the Southern Kattegat and the Little Belt </B>(H. R. Kristiansen).<U></U></FONT></P>

<P class="Standardtekst"><FONT face="Times New Roman">1996<U> </U>: VII International Symposium on Fish Physiology. 3-6 Aug, University of Oslo, Norway. <B>Food consumption and gastro-intestinal evacuation rate in salmonids estimated with X-ray technique </B>(H. R. Kristiansen).</FONT></P>

<P class="Standardtekst"><FONT face="Times New Roman">1996 : International conference on Fish Migration & Fish Bypass-channels. Sep. 24-26, Vienna, Austria. Department of Hydrobiology, Fisheries & Aquaculture, University of Agriculture, Forestry and Renewable Ressources, Vienna, Austria. - Poster entitled: <B>The effect of a pipe obstruction on the population of resident and anadromous trout <I>Salmo</I> <I>trutta</I> (L.) in a small Danish stream </B>(H. R. Kristiansen & J. Nielsen).</FONT></P>

<P class="Standardtekst"><FONT face="Times New Roman">1997 : Trout workshop 10-12 Jan., Ecology building, Lund University, Sweden. <B>A cheap and effective way of overcoming aggregation of sea run brown trout <I>Salmo trutta</I> (L.) spawners downstream pipe obstructions with positive effects on the fry recruitment </B>(H. R. Kristiansen).</FONT></P>

<P class="Standardtekst"><FONT face="Times New Roman">1997: Nordic Symposium on Salmonid Ecology and Management 14-16 Oct., the Freshwater Centre, Silkeborg, Denmark. <B>Within-river and marine migrations of sea trout from a small Danish ranching river </B>(H. R. Kristiansen).</FONT></P>

<P class="Standardtekst"><FONT face="Times New Roman">1998:&nbsp; X Danish Marine Research Symposium. 21-23 Jan., The North Sea Center, Hirtshals, Dk (in Danish). - Poster entitled: <B>Food composition and feeding rate for trout based upon stomach contents analysis and radiography </B>(H. R. Kristiansen).</FONT></P>

<P class="Standardtekst"><FONT face="Times New Roman">1998: Second workshop of the COST 827 action on voluntary food intake in fish. The feeding behaviour of fish in culture 20-22 Aug.,&nbsp; Umeå, Sweden. <B>Individual variation in voluntary feeding for salmonid juveniles <I>Salmo trutta</I> and <I>Oncorhynchus mykiss</I> on reduced rations calculated from a growth model for Danish rainbow trout </B>(H. R. Kristiansen).</FONT></P>

<P class="Standardtekst"><FONT face="Times New Roman">2000: Aqua 2000, Nice, France, May 2-6. <B>Discrimination between endogenous and exogenous water sources in juvenile rainbow trout fed extruded dry feed </B>(H. R. Kristiansen). </FONT></P>

<P class="Standardtekst"><FONT face="Times New Roman">2000: Third workshop of the COST 827 action on voluntary food intake in fish. Diet selection by fish – variability in feeding behaviour, 8-10 Jun., Maratea, Potenza, Italy. – Poster entitled: <B>The individual approach in bioenergetic sonsumption-growth models as a tool to quantify dominance hierarchy (</B>H. R. Kristiansen).</FONT></P>

<P class="Standardtekst"><FONT face="Times New Roman">2001: Fourth and final workshop of the COST 827 action on voluntary food intake in fish. Voluntary food intake in fish, 16-18 Aug., Reykjavik, Iceland. <B>The pulse dose marker method in fish nutrition research</B> (H. R. Kristiansen & T. E. Petursdottir). </FONT></P>

<P class="Standardtekst"><FONT face="Times New Roman">2002: XII Danish Marine Research Symposium. 9-11 Jan., Aarhus University, Aarhus, Dk. - Poster entitled: <B>Techniques for measuring food intake in fish </B>(H. R. Kristiansen).</FONT></P>

<P class="Standardtekst"><FONT face="Times New Roman">2003: Marine symposium, Bergen. Poster: <B>Cod (<I>Gadus morhua</I>) meat composition and dietary recommendations </B>(H. R. Kristiansen).</FONT></P>

<P class="Standardtekst"><FONT face="Times New Roman">2004: LifeStyle –challenges to food science & technology. Food Congress 2004, DTU, March 17-18. <B>Ham, a protein source tailored to dedentary lifestyle behaviour </B>(H.R. Kristiansen). </FONT></P>

<P class="Standardtekst"><FONT face="Times New Roman">2005: XIII Danish Marine Research Symposium. Jan., Copenhagen, Dk. - Poster entitled: <B>How much Baltic salmon can be consumed without exceeding the safety limit.</B> <B>&nbsp;</B>(H. R. Kristiansen).</FONT></P>

<P class="Standardtekst"><B><FONT face="Times New Roman">13. Invited presentations</FONT></B></P>

<P class="Standardtekst"><FONT face="Times New Roman">2004: The Freshwater Fisheries Association, the Freshwater Centre, Silkeborg, Denmark. Annual general meeting 24 April, 15.00 – 15. 45. Positive oplevelser og fælles projekter langs de ferske vande (In Danish). <B>Positive experiences and joint projects along the Danish fresh waters. </B>(H. R. Kristiansen).</FONT></P>

<P class="Standardtekst"><FONT face="Times New Roman">2004: Music hall Esbjerg, Denmark. Science in the future – fisheries research is useful. final conference, 18-19 aug. Derfor akvakultur (in Danish). <B>Therefore aquaculture !</B> (H. R. Kristiansen, 13.00-13.30). </FONT></P>

<P class="Standardtekst"><B><FONT face="Times New Roman">14. Radio programs</FONT></B></P>

<P class="Standardtekst"><FONT face="Times New Roman">4 July 1993: Radio Kolding, Denmark. <U>Behaviour and biology of carps in the old castle lake</U>.</FONT></P>
<P class="Standardtekst"><FONT face="Times New Roman">20 October 1994: Radio Funen, Denmark. <U>Radio tragging of sea trout in Odense river system</U>.</FONT></P>
<P class="Standardtekst"><FONT face="Times New Roman">31 October 2004: DR Bornholm, Denmark. <U>Food consultant: more dioxin in meat than in fish.</U></FONT></P>

<P class="Standardtekst"><B><FONT face="Times New Roman">15. Home pages</FONT></B></P>

<P class="Standardtekst"><FONT face="Times New Roman">Aqualife – Aquaculture/Environment/Fisheries: </FONT><LINK><FONT face="Times New Roman"></FONT></LINK></P>
<P class="Standardtekst"><FONT face="Times New Roman">Ask the Biologist at the Fisheries Magazine: <LINK></LINK> </FONT></P>
<P class="Standardtekst"><FONT face="Times New Roman">Mobile Nutrients innovative company: </FONT><LINK><FONT face="Times New Roman"></FONT></LINK></P>

<P class="Standardtekst"><B><FONT face="Times New Roman">15. Partners and collaborations</FONT></B></P>

<P class="Standardtekst"><LINK><FONT face="Times New Roman"></FONT></LINK><FONT face="Times New Roman">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; ; 6 articles about food and nutritional requirements</FONT></P>
<P class="Standardtekst"><LINK><FONT face="Times New Roman"></FONT></LINK><FONT face="Times New Roman">; The association for big men, who want to loose weight</FONT></P>
<P class="Standardtekst"><LINK><FONT face="Times New Roman"></FONT></LINK><FONT face="Times New Roman">; promotion of thematical journeys to Costa Rica and South India</FONT></P>
<P class="Standardtekst"><LINK><FONT face="Times New Roman"></FONT></LINK><FONT face="Times New Roman"> Organiser of journeys to Costa Rica and South India</FONT></P>
<P class="Standardtekst"><LINK><FONT face="Times New Roman"></FONT></LINK><FONT face="Times New Roman">; Software development Partner&nbsp; (C++, XML language)</FONT></P>
<P class="Standardtekst"><LINK><FONT face="Times New Roman"></FONT></LINK><FONT face="Times New Roman">; Consultancy employment at International Food Science Centre</FONT></P>

<P class="Standardtekst"><FONT face="Times New Roman">Business advertisement </FONT></P>
<P class="Standardtekst"><LINK><FONT face="Times New Roman"></FONT></LINK><FONT face="Times New Roman"> </FONT></P>

<P class="Standardtekst"><B><FONT face="Times New Roman">16. News</FONT></B></P>
<P class="Standardtekst"><FONT face="Times New Roman">New seminars by H. R. Kristiansen (c. 50 previous seminars)</FONT></P>
<P class="Standardtekst"><FONT face="Times New Roman">FO Aarhus 2005 (spring): No reason to be terrified about fats.</FONT></P>
<P class="Standardtekst"><FONT face="Times New Roman">FO Aarhus 2005 (autumn): Application of oils and fats in the kitchen (4 hour practical course); Brazilian food (4 hour practical course).</FONT></P>

<P class="Standardtekst"><FONT face="Times New Roman">Seminar advertisement at </FONT><LINK><FONT face="Times New Roman"></FONT></LINK></P>

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