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Ny verdensrekord skælkarpe27/10/2005 00:00:00
Mandag den 24. oktober kørte Christian Finkelde til den lokale sø, for en enkelt overnatning. Søen er svær, der er stort fiskepres og der er meget naturligt føde i vandet.

Indtil videre havde Christian fanget fisk op til 44 engelske pund (ca. 19,9 kg). Denne gang ville Christian prøve et nyt sted ved søen. Han placerede sine to rigs i vandet, og gik tidligt i seng. Kl. 06.20 var den gal, bidmelderen skreg, og da han tog stangen sprøjtede linen af hjulet. Efter en lang fight kunne fisken landes, og Christian kunne se hvor stor fisken var. Han fik fat i vægten, og den gik helt ned på fantastiske 34 kg og 650 gram. Christian vidste at det var en ny tysk rekord, men det gik op for ham at det faktisk var en ny verdensrekord!

Herunder er hele historien på engelsk.

Kilde: <LINK</LINK>" target="_blank">></LINK>

Monday 24th October. I´ve packed my car and drive to my local lake of about 12 acres in size for an overnight session. 15 minutes later on arrival in the car park I can see that there´s just one other angler fishing the lake. The lake is quite difficult. It has a low stock, the fish are very pressured and the water is very rich in natural food. Nevertheless the lake was my target water for 2005.

So far I had caught fish to 44 lbs (a common) from the water this season but the swim I had caught the fish from in September had recently been unproductive so I decided to try a new one which I hadn´t fished before. During the summer I had spent quite a bit of time swimming and diving in the lake looking for features so I roughly new what to expect in the new swim. Just to be on the safe side I plumbed the area with a few casts and found a nice little slope to my right. I decided to fish one rod to my right in a distance of about 35 metres, the second one to my right in a similar depth in about 25 metres distance. The water temperature had recently dropped quite a bit so I intended to fish in deep water.

My set up consisted of :
12ft 2 ¾ lbs Fox Aquos rods, Okuma Axeon 90 reels spooled with 25 lbs Fox Submerge Plus braid as mainline, a two metre Fox leadcore leader, a Short / Chod rig (cheers Frank !) tied with 15 lbs Fox Rigidity and a size 5 Fox Series 6 hook , swivel with ring and a 6 oz Fox elevator lead. On one rod I fished with a 20 mm Squid & Octopus Fluro Pop up from Dynamite Baits which I had cut into a cube. On the second one I used a 20 mm Hi Attract Pineapple Plus Pop up also from Dynamite Baits. I decided not to bait the swim and just fish a PVA bag on each rod. I opted for the new Fox flavoured PVA bags and filled them with a mixture of Swim Stim green groundbait, 6mm Swim Stim pellets, 14mm Marine Halibut pellets and a bit of Pineapple Liquid from Dynamite Baits.

Once both rods were set up I cast them to their respective spots and set up the rest of my gear for the night. I had this part of the lake to myself and enjoyed the silence. At 8.00 p.m. a car stopped on the opposite side of the lake and a few minutes later an angler heavily prebaited a swim. In recent years the fish on this water never have responded to heavy baiting campaigns so it was a bit strange what the angler did but to be honest I didn´t care. It wasn´t my problem if the angler wanted to fish over a bed of rotten bait a few days later.

Half an hour later my good mate Patrick Scupin turned up for a chat. When Patrick left I read a bit in a book with my headtorch, listened to the radio and went to bed early. At 6. 20 a.m. I was awoken by a screaming take on my right hand rod (the one with the pineapple pop up).

After picking up the rod the fish straight away took line off my spool. It was still dark and the fish stayed deep and moved slowly. Step by step I pumped it closer but in between the fish took line several times. At that stage one thing was for sure if that wasn´t a catfish on the other end of the line it must have been one of the big ones in the lake. It might sound strange but after about half of the fight my inner voice told me that this was the big common of the lake. In the margins the fish headed for a weedbed but with it being October the weed fortunately wasn´t a dangerous snag. In the moonlight I could get the first glimpse of a big white spot on the water surface. My thoughts about the big common became more and more evident. Finally I managed to net the fish and there it was. The biggest common carp I´ve ever seen. Incredible- all the hours of waiting for a take were forgotten. I carefully lifted the fish on the unhooking mat and unhooked it. I zeroed the scales and put the fish into the weigh sling making sure the fins were ok.With the aid of my Fox weigh bar I slowly lifted the fish. The needle of my brand new Reuben Heatons (Thanks Mitch !) at first went past the 35 kg mark and then stopped at 34 kg 650 grammes. I was already more than happy with catching one of my target fish but at that weight- unbelievable ! A few years ago I would have only expected to catch a fish of that size from the Orient (or Raduta) but such a fish from a German water was very special.

I sacked the fish and rang my girlfriend who also was very happy. When I texted Simon Crow about my catch he replied that this was a new world record common carp. Incredible. I knew the fish was a German record common carp but a world record, well what can I say ? A little later my Dynamite baits team mate Frank Warwick and other friends whom I had told about my capture congratulated me. My mate Patrick Scupin picked up my girlfriend on the way home from work and came to the lake to do the photos and take some video footage (thanks Scupi !) After the photo and video session I packed up and spent the evening in a nice Italian restaurant with my girlfriend.

One final word: carp fishing is not about weights – it´s being out there on the bank what matters and believe me I enjoyed being out there on 24th-25th

October 2005.
All the best !

Christian Finkelde <LINK</LINK>" target="_blank">></LINK>
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